Hair loss or alopecia is one of those common conditions that we often experience or see around us and probably feel helpless to control. The psychological impact of hair loss…

Hair loss or alopecia is one of those common conditions that we often experience or see around us and probably feel helpless to control. The psychological impact of hair loss…
More than 50 million Americans suffer from hair loss. Unlike flu or a toothache, hair loss doesn’t go away over time. Hair loss is a progressive condition, and if left…
Hair loss is a serious concern for both men and women. When it comes to progressive hair loss, the condition is referred to as alopecia. Both in male and female,…
It is quite normal to lose hair on an everyday basis. However, the matter is concerning if you are losing an excessive amount of hair. Possible causes may include stress,…
Long, shiny, thick, and healthy hair is a deep desire of every man and woman. We all know that growth is a natural process, but there are various factors like pollution, stress, ageing, hormonal changes, dandruff, and poor eating habits, to name a few, that can affect this process. To treat this problem, we can take the help of some hair loss treatments or use the best-suited hair growth products.
Hair loss due to the genetic factor is the most complex hair condition to treat. In most of such cases, people have no control over hair loss and the formation of hair pattern baldness, and within a few years, they lose a considerable number of hair strands. A usual hair loss treatment remains largely ineffective in such a condition. Most experts recommend three solutions for the hair loss prevention in such cases. These three solutions are minoxidil, finasteride, and surgery.
These days, there are various hair loss treatments available in the market. Some of them are effective in treating hair fall but somehow these treatments also have some side effects which might not be good for your health. We have come up with some natural remedies that can help you to reduce hair loss. If you are looking an easy and convenient natural option than Pantogar hair loss treatment is there that can helps to reduce hair loss and maintain a healthy look of your tresses.
A large number of people, whether it is male or female suffer from thinning of hair. If you see hair in your brush then you are not alone, so many people experience hair loss at some point in their life. You must not be surprised if it is said that eating the right food can keep your hair healthy.
The hair loss is not life-threatening, though it can have devastating psychological effects. It can appear in many different ways, depending on what’s causing it. It can initiate suddenly or gradually and affect just your scalp or your whole body. Some types of hair loss are temporary, and others are permanent.
Sometimes emotional or physical stress can lead to hair loss and hair thinning, which is a serious concern for most of people and something they wish to reverse. Read to know how anxiety affects your hair.