Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders in the world, affecting millions of people worldwide. Staying motivated can be a difficult task, but if you put some…

Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders in the world, affecting millions of people worldwide. Staying motivated can be a difficult task, but if you put some…
Depression is a common and serious medical disorder, it negatively affects the overall pattern of your thinking and feeling. Depression generally drains your energy, leaves you fatigued and feeling empty.…
Depression is the leading cause of disability, and it is the most common illness worldwide as per WHO (World Health Organization) reports. As per the report, more than 350 million…
Depression, a horrible gift given by today’s stressful and more demanding attitude. Depression is turning to be a curse for the society, and it can be mild to life-threatening. In…
Sadness is a normal reaction to difficult times in life, and we all experience it at some point in our lives. But depression problem is something a majority of people takes lightly. Depression often interferes with daily life and normal functioning and pain for both the person with depression and as well as those who care for him/her. Experts often call this condition as clinical depression.
Depression is a health issue with recognized psychological, emotional, and physical signs and symptoms, yet it is one of the most undiagnosed illnesses that exist today. Here are some common myths and facts about depression.
As we all know that there’s a very close relationship between sleep and mental health. Suffering from a mental health problem can affect how well you sleep and poor sleep may have a negative impact on your mental health. If you have been diagnosed with clinical depression, you may be having trouble in getting sleep or staying asleep.