People suffering from asthma may also experience serious health conditions not connected to the respiratory system due to inflammation that asthma causes. New research links have shown that for a lady it could be difficult to getting pregnant if she is suffering from asthma. Women with asthma have a lower pregnancy rate than those without the lung disorder.

According to healthcare specialists, the chronic lung condition effect on fertility increases with time and age. Therefore, asthmatic women should get pregnant at an early age and step up their asthma care before conceiving.

Asthma can cause Fertility Problem in Women

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Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the airways of your lungs. Some common asthma symptoms may include chest tightness, shortness of breath, wheezing, and cough. When you are diagnosed with asthma, your airways become swollen. There is a build up of mucus and the muscle around the airways tighten or constricted. This causes narrowing of the airways in your lungs and makes it difficult to breathe.

Effect in the body:

A study showed that asthmatic women were more likely to get pregnant and the success rate got worse as the women got older. The study demonstrated that asthma has a negative influence on fertility as it increases the time to pregnancy and possibly decreases birth rate, with an increasing tendency with age especially above the age of 35 years.

The reason behind the link is still not clear. The chronic disease is closely associated with female reproductive life in several aspects. But, a casual relationship between subfertility (being less fertile) and asthma has never been established, despite subfertility often being clinically in asthmatic ladies. Asthma is known to cause chronic inflammation in the respiratory tract, but that inflammation could also affect other major organs of the body, making an unfriendly uterine environment. Also, the estrogen hormone could make the inflammation for the disease worse.

The study was not able to find evidence for the reason why would the effects of asthma be greater with age. It is thought that the years exposed to low-grade inflammation in the body can take their toll. It can also be possible that the condition progresses over time. It has been suggested that the increased tendency with age, possibly is connected to a longer duration of the inflammation of the respiratory tract. Furthermore, the type and severity of asthma can change with age.

Impact of Asthma Medications:

The study also considered whether asthma medications could be linked to infertility, and not the condition itself. But, the scientists was not unable to find any difference in pregnancy rates of those women who are taking asthma medication and who are not on asthma treatment. According to other clinical studies, it seems as if it is the severity of asthma and not the medication used for asthma cure that affects fertility.

If you think you might have asthma or have been already diagnosed with the lung disease. You should not wait to try to conceive. Remember that the association with infertility increases with age. Asthmatic women should be aware of their increased risk of reduced fertility, especially above the age of 35 years, and encourage to begin their reproductive life at an earlier age. Awareness is the most important point of this problem among asthmatic women and health care specialists.

If you wish to get pregnant, it is best to get your asthma under control with medication. Get the best asthma treatment to get rid of this respiratory tract problem. The risk of untreated asthma during pregnancy may include premature birth, preeclampsia, low birth weight, and poor growth. All these problems appeared due to the difficulty of getting oxygen to the developing fetus. You are also instructed to avoid asthma triggers like cigarette smoke, dust, pollen, and flu infection.

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If you are suffering from asthma and thinking of becoming pregnant, you should have your asthma treatment optimized pre-conception. As it is well known that being well treated for your asthma is necessary for your outcome of pregnancy.

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