As winter arrives, many of us look forward to the season ahead; there are plenty of preparations to help us stay healthy during cold weather. Here are seven tips to get you to stay healthy this winter and safe into the warmer weather months ahead.  

Get up to date on vaccinations

It can be challenging to stay healthy in the cold winter, especially when cold, flu, and respiratory issues can beat down immunity. Nevertheless, staying healthy is an important foundation for improvement over this winter season. Do your best to protect yourself and your loved ones during this season of respiratory infections. Flu season peaks in January, so if you haven’t already done so, be sure to receive your flu shot. Everyone from six months and older should receive the flu shot. Healthcare experts warn it’s especially important this year due to the ongoing spread of the coronavirus and a potentially difficult flu season. Adding the covid 19 vaccine to your list is important. Along with other safety precautions, it is best to protect yourself against the virus and help prevent its spread. It is now available for anyone who is five years and older.   

  1. Practice hygiene

With viruses such as the common cold, influenza, RSV, and Covid circulating this winter, it is important to be careful about proper hygiene. Protect yourself and reduce the risk of these viruses by:

        • Washing hands regularly with soap and with warm water.
        • Avoiding the sharing of cups and utensils
        • Sanitizing surfaces frequently
        • Wearing a mask in crowded places
        • Keeping a distance of at least 6 feet of distance from others
        • Staying home if you are not feeling well
  1. Protect your heart

According to research studies, the rate of heart attack, stroke, and other heart-related conditions rises when the temperature drops. During winter, your heart needs to work harder to keep your body warm. Take the following measures to protect your heart:

      • Make healthy food choices – Be sure to eat a heart-healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, and lean proteins. Limit the intake of saturated fats and excess sugar.
      • Exercise regularly – Cold weather and shorter days can translate to less frequent exercise. But it is still important to get at least 150 minutes of exercise every week. If you must exercise outdoors, don’t exhaust yourself and work out indoors on the most rigid days.
      • Limit alcohol intake – The season of celebrations cause you to drink more alcohol but be sure to drink in moderation. Men should have no more than two drinks daily, whereas women should drink no more than one day.
      • Stress management is the key – Winter is a busy and stressful time of year. Make sure you take some time to perform meditation, breathing exercises, or practice stress-bursting activities.
      • Take medicines on time – Yes, it is equally important to take your heart medicines or other drugs on time to prevent the worsening of the condition. If you run out of essential medicines, you can connect to the top online US pharmacies to buy medicines. Choose a reliable online pharmacy store to receive medicines at home.
  1. Stay hydrated

Getting hot and sweaty in the summer force you to drink water, but it is just as important to stay hydrated when it’s cold. Staying hydrated help, you stay energized, which helps protect your skin from dry, cold winds and keeps your body functioning properly. Drinking about eight glasses or more of water each day is best.   You can have herbal teas, fruit-infused water, or 100% juice. Even broth-based soups add to your fluid intake. 

  1. Get vitamin D

Winters may make you spend more time indoors, and less sunlight on your skin can lead to vitamin D deficiency. Getting an adequate amount of Vitamin D is important to maintain bone health. When it comes to good sources of vitamin D, include fortified cereals and low-fat dairy such as cheese, fish, eggs, and yoghurt. If diet alone is not enough, you can consider a vitamin D supplement.

  1. Quit smoking

Smoking makes individuals more susceptible to respiratory infections in cold weather; hence one should quit smoking.  

  1. Clothing

Wear woollens to keep you warm when you step out.  

  1. Be careful while driving

While we can’t control the weather but can decide to stay home and avoid driving. Every year, so many car crashes occur due to snowy, slippery roads. If you step out, make sure the roads are in good condition. Drive slowly, especially on bridges and overpasses. Always keep an ice scraper to clean the windows before getting behind the wheel.


The bottom line  

Winter is the prime season for colds, flu, and respiratory issues. You can’t stop the bad germs already out there, but you can protect yourself from catching them. If you want to avoid being sick and avoid antibiotics and other drugs, follow the tips mentioned above to keep you healthy this winter.

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