Tips to Quit Smoking for Better Health

Almost everyone knows the effects of smoking, but many people still smoke, why is that so? The answer is an addiction. Once you begin smoking, it is hard to quit this bad habit because the cigarette is made up of tobacco which contains nicotine, a highly addictive agent. The body or mind of a smoker becomes used to nicotine, and he/she needs to have it to feel normal.

Smoking is dangerous to health; it can lead to several health complications, including asthma, heart disease, and lung cancer. There are numerous reasons to quit smoking, doing it will automatically reduce the risk of these health problems. Quitting smoking makes your breath smell better. But despite all the warnings, millions of people continue to smoke because it is hard to break the habit. Quitting can be hard, but not an impossible thing. Once you stop smoking, you will find that your energy levels and breathing have improved. Just a week after quitting, your risk of stroke, heart attack, and care will significantly drop. Furthermore, men will find back the lost erection power. For all smokers, it is the time to quit smoking now. One can increase the chances of success with these following tips:

  • Mental preparation is necessary- The first and foremost thing is that you should be mentally prepared; you need to want to quit. Some people make multiple attempts to quit smoking, but they fail because they are not mentally ready to do the job. Think, why you want to quit. Do you want to become a parent? Did you just want to get rid of smoking-related illness? Or just tired of smoking control your life? Identifying the real reason will help you quit and stick to the quitting plan for a long term, ultimately achieving the goal of smoking cessation.
  • Set a quit date- Several strategies can help smokers to give up. From selecting a quit date and throwing away all cravings, and replacing them with good habits like playing outdoors, reading, and meditation, etc., there are many ways to stop smoking. Setting a quitting date and putting in writing will help you adhere to the action plan. Set a date that is not too far in the future. This will help you stop smoking.
  • Get a friend– like having a partner during your exercise training program increases your likely hood of adhering to your fitness goals, finding someone with similar quitting goals can not only help you to stick to the action plan but also help you quit successfully. Make a partner who wants to quit and support each other in adopting a good habit.

Also Read: Know Which Quit-Smoking Aids Are Right For You

  • Learn to reduce stress- Stress is considered as the most common triggers for cigarette cravings. Finding the right method to deal with stress will help you protect against those nicotine pangs. You can start by practicing yoga, meditation, or get counselling to cope up with stress. Whenever you feel stressed, focus on your breathing, practice deep breathing at the very moment. This can help you improve your mood when you are overwhelmed.
  • Get counselling- Talk to a health care professional about quitting. Your health care provider will refer you to a certified counselor who can guide you through the process of recognizing the triggers to offering support whenever you needed during the program. Numerous clinical research studies suggest that counselling and follow up treatments improves quit rates.
  • Find nicotine replacement therapy- Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is a proven way to increase the likelihood of success. You can go with nicotine gums, patches, and lozenges to help stop cigarette cravings. Buy quit smoking products to curb your cigarette cravings. NRT offers distractions from the oral fixation that comes with smoking. You can disrupt the oral aspect of your smoking by chewing nicotine gums or by using patches.

Also Read: To Lead a Smoke Free Life- Quit Smoking

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