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Symptoms and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases

Symptoms and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases

An unusual discharge from the penis, any kind of vaginal bleeding, swollen lymph nodes, and tiny sores on the genitals are some of the common symptoms of STD or sexually transmitted diseases. In this blog, you will find different types of STD, their symptoms and prevention methods.


Understand Inflammation and Remain Pain- Free

Whenever the body is up against any noxious stimuli, its in-built defense mechanism tries to counter the noxious stimuli to protect us from its ill effects. Noxious stimuli such as pathogens or toxins may damage cells resulting in inflammation.When cells get damaged, the immune response generates inflammation.The primary goal of such an inflammatory response is to remove the cause of cell injury or to remove the necrotic cell and tissue. Inflammation helps in initiating tissue repair.

What is The Best Way to Get Rid of a Cold?

Jog down your memory lane and count the number of days you must’ve missed due to something as common as common cold. A common cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, the nose, and throat. Preschool children are found to be at higher risk of frequent cold infections, but healthy adults can get it too in every year.