Constipation is one of the common troubles associated with the digestive issues faced by both young and old people. The major cause for this common problem is poor diet, although there are other factors too, that can contribute to constipation, and these include changes in your daily routine, stress, pregnancy, medications, etc.

Constipation may not necessarily cause people to gain extra pounds. When you do not have a normal bowel movement, it is normal to feel like gaining a few extra pounds especially around the middle of your stomach. But there is good news, and your weight gain is not because you are absorbing calories, it’s just the extra faecal matter which could be adding a few pounds to the scale.

Elimination of faecal matter and keeping your intestine clean is a part of healthy living. This allows you to flush out toxins and harmful chemical out of the body which may otherwise cause serious health issues. With enough bowel movements, when your digestive tract is healthy and function properly, those extra pounds disappear on the scale, and you get the flat belly too. 

Constipation may not lead to weight gain many the population think so, but other factors play a significant role in digestive health

Digestive Health

Constipation means having a bowel movement fewer than three times per week. The common stomach problem is often associated with dry and hard stools that are difficult and sometimes painful to pass. If it takes more than ten minutes to pass stools, consider yourself constipated. Effects of constipation as very hard stools can often cause the anal membrane to tear off which lead to haemorrhoids. It is believed that low dietary fibre, low water consumptions, and lack of physical activity are the primary causes of constipation.

Gut bacteria imbalance cause constipation

A study revealed that gut bacteria imbalance might cause constipation and increasing the levels of friendly bacteria also known as probiotics can helps support in the breakdown of food and absorption of nutrients. They also assist in producing substances in the bowel that are necessary for a healthy bowel function. Incorporating probiotics supplements in your daily routine helps to reduce the feeling of bloating and heaviness that you feel in your digestive system. Probiotics benefit you by lowering stomach bloating and give a lighter feeling in your stomach.

Also Read: Home Remedies for Constipation

Fix constipation with increased fibre intake

Everyone must know inadequate intake of fiber slows down digestion. Fiber plays a key role when it comes to gut and eliminating the waste out of your body. Fiber does its job by binding solid waste with water and moves it throughout your digestive tract and the body. Plant foods are considered as the best sources of fibre, so adding more fruits and vegetables in your diet is a great way to increase their intake. Refined wholegrains such as oats, brown rice quinoa, and buckwheat are also a fantastic source. In people with constipation, fiber increases the bulk and softens the bowel movement, making the stools easier to pass through the digestive tract and then out of the body. Fiber intake not only moves food through the digestive system but also make you feel full for a longer time.

Hydration is must Drinking water is an obvious daily task, but many people do not drink enough water. It is very important to drink an adequate amount of water if you have increased your daily intake of fiber to keep thing moving. On a cellular level, adequate hydration is crucial. Every cellular process requires water from brain function to frequent bowel movements. People who experience constipation are often complained of having a dry stool that seems difficult to pass. Drinking enough water is the easiest way to improve the consistency of bowel movements. At this point, you must also know that feeling of hunger can also be a sign of dehydration. Having a glass of water can quiet your hunger for a long time and stop you from snacking on to unhealthy food when you really don’t need to. It is one of the best ways to lose extra pounds. All weight loss programmes include adequate hydration. Drinking enough water is itself the best constipation treatment.