Asthma is a long-term disease that has no cure and it needs constant care and proper management at all times. If you are an asthma patient, your life depends on how you handle this condition. If asthma treatment is not taken properly then it can have serious consequences. Most people with the disease have the power for coping up with it through asthma care and live a normal and active life as one can do a number of things to make life easier. Below are some of the steps to avoid asthma attacks:

  • Know Your Symptoms – Asthma management is bit tricky. Even when your asthma is under control, the stress, illness, and unusual exertion can set off an asthma attack. Learn the early symptoms of an asthma attack to control the situation and react accordingly. You also need to log events to report to your doctor. Learning symptoms and body reactions under various conditions is the most important thing to manage asthma successfully.

Steps To Cope Wth An Asthma Attack

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  • Follow Doctor’s Instructions – After the diagnosis, your asthma may not be properly controlled immediately or in months. It is essential to listen to your doctor’s instructions carefully and follow them exactly. Missing a dose of your asthma medication can prove to be an obstacle in your treatment. Not taking your medications as per the schedule can also worsen your asthma conditions. During this time, your doctor may limit your activities to protect your health.
  • Learn Your Triggers– Every person with asthma has a different set of situations that can trigger an attack. Allergy is one of the most common triggers. If you are facing trouble getting your asthma symptoms under control, get your allergy tested. Treating your allergies can lead to successful cope up with asthma. Environmental triggers include spicy foods, chemical cleaners, and cigarette smoke, but things like emotional stress and cold air can also lead to a reaction. In fact, even laughing or crying especially hard can initiate an asthma attack in some people. Since the triggers are different for each person, it is essential to maintain a record in order to identify them so that your physician can understand it well.
  • Create an Action Plan– maintaining a step-by-step action plan will go a long way toward coping with asthma. Understanding what to do in each set of circumstances will give you confidence. Knowing what circumstances require for what set of actions can help you prevent a minor situation from turning chronic. Developing and following an action plan is difficult, but the outcome is worth.
  • Take Things Day by Day– Coping with asthma is equivalent to coping with any chronic illness. You will have good days and bad days. On bad days, be kind to yourself. See towards your peer group for strength and support. Go to sleep early or just hang out and watch a movie. Whereas, on good days enjoy to the fullest. Make them your strength. Create memories that you can cherish during your down times. Be honest and laugh. Try to make it a goal to have more good days than bad days.
  • Create a Healthy Diet and Exercise Plan– Maintaining a well-balanced diet can improve your overall health, which can assist coping with asthma better. Lose extra weight if needed, but do not opt for crash diets. Do some exercise consistently, but consult with your doctor always before beginning any new exercise program. See your doctor and a nutritionist also to find out the best diet and exercise plan for you.
  • Relieve Stress– Stress reflects its effects on the bodies of even the healthiest among us. Many people with asthma observe that stress can trigger an asthma attack. Although, you cannot remove all stress from your life, but, you can find ways to relieve stress. Meditation and yoga work well for many people for relaxing from stress.
  • Never Give up Hope– Asthma is a messy situation to manage, but it is still workable. With the right combination of medications and a perfect action plan, many people with asthma lead their lives normally. Patience is essential, as asthma cure often involves a long period treatment. Never lose hope and your asthma will gradually come under control.

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Coping with asthma is actually difficult.  However, new asthma medicines and coping strategies make asthma progressively easier to combat with. One should join a support group, visit your doctor regularly and learn your own symptoms and triggers. Stay hopeful and allow the process of asthma management to unfold slowly. Gradually you will see that coping with asthma does not lead to limiting your life activities in any significant way.

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