Heat triggers more sebum production and accumulates toxins in the body blocks the skin pores and causes breakouts. Read on to know acne treatments recommended by experts to prevent the summer flare up.

Summer months make the acne worse especially if you have acne prone skin. Or sometimes despite adhering to a strict daily skin care routine that includes religiously removing makeup off before bed, eating healthy and following exercise regimen, acne forms, often unexpectedly in the summer. Dermatologists and other skin experts say when humidity increases, our glands tend to produce more oil which leads to clogging of pores ultimately turning to unwanted breakouts. While an annoying pimple can arise anytime irrespective of the climate, heat, sunscreens, and excess sweating can accelerate things, leaving, redness, spots on the skin. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent breakouts and to live an acne free life even during heat days.

Tips to prevent and treat Summer Acne

Apart from using salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide cleanser try these tips for the prevention and treatment for acne that annoys you especially in summers:

  1. Moisturizing is the key- Moisturizing might sound weird especially when your skin produces too much oil, but trust on this trick. It is important to know that maintaining a healthy skin barrier with a good quality moisturizer is vital for skin in the summer months. Most people with oily skin think that they can skip the moisturizing part of their skincare routine in humid months, but this can cause the condition worse. It is wise to pick a lightweight moisturizer made up of hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and niacinamide.
  2. Exfoliation is a must- Make sure your summer skin care products includes an exfoliating cleanser that helps to eliminate the toxins and impurities that accumulate in your pores and ensures of healing of acne lesions. It also helps to reduce the appearance of enlarged skin pores.  For best results, scrub your face every few days to remove dead skin cells and increases cell turnover, leaving a radiant glow. To address all summer skin issues including acne, dermatologists highly recommend regular exfoliation to open up the clogged pores that cause the skin to become rough and rough skin can’t glow. Glycolic exfoliation is successful at improving the overall appearance of your skin especially in summers.
  3. Don’t wash away your skin’s protective barrier- While cleansing or scrubbing your face, make sure you don’t overdo. Too much cleanup can dehydrate the oily skin and cause it to produce more oil to maintain the pH balance.  Sometimes excessive dryness contributes to building up of skin cells, which will trap oil and clog the pores.

Acne and Sun Exposure

Sunscreen is a must in summer but be careful as many of the sunscreen formulations clog pores. Make sure you pick an oil-free sunblock if you have oily skin go with a gel-based solution instead of cream. Apply a water-resistant sunscreen whenever you are at a beach or whenever you are in a pool or doing outdoor activities. However, a water-resistant sunblock is not meant to be used regularly. In addition, never use a sunscreen on your face that is intended to use on the body. This is because sunscreens made for facial skin are lighter and contains less oil. Here, it is also important to note that acne medications tend not to make the skin more sensitive to the sun. So, while using an acne medication, you need to be extra careful while stepping out in the sun.

Also Read: The Truth about Laser Treatment and Acne

If you wear makeup, make sure you apply oil-free products or products that are made for acne prone skin. Just make sure you have enough sun protection. If you have oily, be sure to keep your make up brushes clean and rinse away every time before use ensuring that there are no bacteria that may be sticking out of the bristles that often clog pores.

Proper Hydration and Nutrition to get rid of Summer Acne Flushing out toxins and impurities out of the body is very important for healthy skin. To flush out impurities, it’s important to keep yourself hydrated by drinking enough water. Eat a balanced diet which includes plenty of vegetables and fruits. Try to avoid stress and learn to manage stress if your busy schedule is causing stress to you. If these lifestyle modifications don’t help you get rid of the summer acne, or your condition seems to be getting more worse, fix an appointment to a dermatologist to find out the cause and to create a skincare regimen accordingly. He/she might prescribe topical solutions and oral pills to control your acne. Be sure to adhere to the treatment regimen and follow it religiously. You might have acne due to hormonal disbalance, for which you need hormonal acne treatment.