Scars or injury marks on the skin are not uncommon. Some of the marks disappear with time on their own while some require a scar treatment to remove the spot.

It’s a common thing to have wounds and bruises in childhood. Do you remember your playful childhood and those silly brawls with your friends or those injuries that you received due to ignorance. Maybe you don’t remember all but you hardly forget those incidents that have created mark(s) or injury scar(s) on your face and other body parts. Now, you have grown up, but those marks are still there. But here are several things that you can do to make them disappear. The market is overflowing with a number of scar medicines claiming to provide the best scar removal solution. You can try one that suits you best.

Apart from scar treatment, you should also consider some do’s and don’ts of scar prevention so that the injury marks do not get aggravated further and spots disappear smoothly. It’s not so difficult to follow those tips telling you how to prevent scarring and take care of any such marks created by the minor cuts, injuries or scrapes.

Do’s and Don'ts of Scar Prevention

Some of those do’s or safety measures that you have to follow include:

• Use stitches as soon as possible

If you are injured and bleeding, the first and foremost step is to get it stitched or sewn appropriately by a doctor. More exposure to the outside environment invites higher risks of infection and swelling to the injury and thereby it leaves a scar that lasts longer.

• First aid is necessary

Don’t let the wound come into the contact of external germs or bacteria and provide the first aid immediately that would be a perfect scar treatment. If possible, apply a petroleum jelly or an antiseptic cream on the wound and properly cover it with a cotton bandage.

• Apply the prescribed scar medicine

At a time when several medicines are available there to heal the injury marks in shorter time span, you have to be wise enough while choosing anyone of them. In fact, even the best scar removal is not scientifically proven to be 100% effective, so go take a medicine that suits you better than other ones.

• Give enough time to remove scar naturally

Every scar or skin mark takes its own time to disappear gradually, so you have to be patient and wait till then. Generally, minor scars take 3-4 months to remove while deep marks may take years to merge with the surrounding skin texture. Moreover, try to rely on natural healing power and don’t irritate the injured area in the rush of treating it sooner.

• Use concealer

The application of a skin concealer is a part of the scar treatment that helps conceal the scars and then it is difficult to distinguish in the future. There are some basic concealers popularly used to remove wound marks, such as:

I. Laser therapy
II. Surgery
III. Injectable collagen or fat
IV. Steroids
V. Bleaching cream
VI. Skin transfer

Here are some specific tips that tell you what you don’t have to do for the natural treatment of the scars.

Scar Prevention

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• Avoid the sun’s UV rays

The ultraviolet rays can stimulate Melanocytes that can enhance the inflammation of the wound marks and slow down the healing process, so it’s better to avoid it as much as possible. Use proper sunscreen to protect yourself from the ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B rays. The intensity of UV rays remains very high between 11am and 2pm, so those who understand how to prevent scarring try to limit their ventures during that period.

• Keep vitamin E away from the scars

There is so much confusion and misconception over the application of vitamin E on a wound mark. Many people assume that vitamin E works as a scar treatment, whereas the reality is that this substance delays the recovery process of such skin marks. In fact, it can aggravate the marks and emanate another skin problem. Vitamin E is not a scientifically proven scar medicine so please avoid its application.

• Don’t irritate or squeeze the affected skin

Any irritation, itching or scratching to the scars can deter the natural process of skin improvement. Our body has a capacity to heal every wound mark itself and any unnecessary intervention to that process is not desired. Moreover, any external irritation could add discoloration and scarring further. Squeezing of scars can reduce the natural strength of collagen, which would allow bacteria to damage the skin.

• Avoid intensive cosmetics

The beauty products made of scarring chemicals must not be used for the sake of skin marks; otherwise, these cosmetics can reduce the skin’s natural repairing capacity. Try to apply the natural or homemade products for skin care that prove to be the best scar removal assistance. The herbal products are a good option for the scar treatment because they don’t render any side effects.

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Though scar sign or injury mark does not pose a health challenge but its presence could let you down emotionally. So whatever accidents you have faced in the early age, now you try to reduce its impact by considering some specific do’s and don’ts of scar prevention. Adulthood is the time to repair those marks with the help of appropriate scar treatment. You can also take some scar medicines to remove those unwanted marks and enjoy a spot-free skin.

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