Diet to Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is a health condition in which the pressure of blood remains high against the artery walls. If this pressure remains for a long period, it can be a cause of various health conditions including heart disease, stroke, kidney failure etc. People living with hypertension should consult a doctor to understand how to control blood pressure through medication and what kind of dietary changes are required to lower this pressure.

Causes of Hypertension:

High blood pressure is also known as the silent killer as it does not show any typical symptoms prior to the attack. There are some risk factors for causing hypertension, such as unhealthy living or working environment, stress, family history, age, gender, and obesity. Hypertension’s patients have to live with a lot of precautions and keep the BP tablets with them, as it can be required anytime any day. A diet proves to be very helpful in keeping the condition under control. People living with high blood pressure are advised to take food products rich in minerals and nutritional elements that include potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, fiber, and vitamins.

Take a look at some specific foods that can help you lower blood pressure and make you feel better.

– Vegetable and Juice of Leafy Greens:

Leafy greens are an excellent source of minerals like potassium, iron, and other nutrients that can help you lower blood pressure. If you want to know how to control blood pressure through some natural means, the intake of leafy green products can make a difference. Such natural items not only help you treat hypertension but also improve the overall health. Some particular leafy green products with a high amount of potassium are romaine lettuce, collard greens, spinach, arugula, kale, turnip greens, beet, greens, and Swiss chard.

Also Read: How to Lower Your Blood Pressure without Medicines

– Take beetroot juice to control blood pressure:

The nitric oxide available in beetroot is highly effective in lowering blood pressure and keeping it under control. People living with hypertension can take beetroot in the form of salad or juice to lower blood pressure within hours. If you regularly eat beetroot, you would not rely on BP tablets as much.

-Berries to lower blood pressure:

Blueberries, gooseberries, blueberries and other berries have highly effective compounds known as flavonoids that help you diminish blood pressure. Such components are recommended to consume to prevent the risk of hypertension. If you are searching for how to control blood pressure through natural means, the consumption of berries is highly recommended. Take a bowl of berries every morning to improve your blood circulation and avoid the risk of high blood pressure.

– Oatmeal to control blood pressure:

Oatmeal is an excellent source of soluble fiber that makes it an essential part of the diet to lower blood pressure. People with hypertension should take at least half a cup of oatmeal at breakfast to lower hypertension. It can be taken by the people from different age groups and oatmeal can strengthen the immunity of the consumers.  

– Sunflower and pumpkin seeds Cereal seeds are rich in minerals like sodium, potassium, and magnesium can potentially reduce blood pressure. Regular consumption of a little amount of sunflower, pumpkin, and squash seeds gives an excellent way to lower blood pressure.