Depression, a horrible gift given by today’s stressful and more demanding attitude. Depression is turning to be a curse for the society, and it can be mild to life-threatening. In the case of anxiety, it is very difficult to understand what is affecting your mood. It is an extremely complex disease, and its exact cause is still not known; there may be a variety of reasons or issues for depression. Some mild episodes of depression may resolve with time, aided by making the important adjustment to one’s daily routines, and by seeking out the support of others, while severe cases require medical attention along with counseling to know the causes of depression.

Inner happiness is one thing that can defeat all worries, tension, and stress in just a few seconds. Do what you love, eat what you like. Live in your today, as the future is unknown but yes we should always make our self ready for future surprises. Become headstrong, one downfall cannot stop your life, keep thinking about the bad phases will not solve the problems. So, belief in yourself, your happiness will spark and boost the special motivation in you to break all the sadness and barriers of your life.

This page will help you to understand the symptoms and causes of depression.

Symptoms of Depression

Symptoms of depression can be mild to severe. When there is continuous sadness or loss of interest in work or daily routine, it means you’re in a depression. It gives a behavioral change, a lot of mood swing, and overthinking issues. This may also include loss of appetite, change in sleeping pattern, low energy level, and self-esteem. At times, it gives a suicidal feeling.

Causes of Depression

  • Stressful life event- At some point, nearly everyone encounters stressful life events: the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, an illness, or a relationship spiraling downward. Some have to cope with the early loss of a parent, violence, or sexual abuse. While not everyone who faces these stresses develops a mood disorder, in fact, most do not.  Stress plays an important role in depression. Stress has its physiological consequences. It triggers a chain of chemical reactions that responses to our body. If the stress is short-lived, the body usually returns to normal. But when stress is chronic, or the system gets stuck in overdrive, changes in the body and brain can be long-lasting.
  • Seasonal affective disorder- When winter brings the blues- many people feel sad when summer wanes, some develop depression with the season’s change. Known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), this form of depression affects about 1% to 2% of the population, particularly women and young people. SAD seems to be triggered by more limited exposure to daylight; typically, it comes on during the fall or winter months and subsides in the spring. Symptoms are similar to general depression and include lethargy, loss of interest in once-pleasurable activities, irritability, inability to concentrate, and a change in sleeping patterns, appetite, or both.
  • Medical problems- Some medical issues are linked to lasting, significant mood disturbances. Medical illnesses or medications may be at the root of up to 10% to 15% of all depressions. Among the best-known culprits are two thyroid hormone imbalances. An excess of thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) can trigger manic symptoms. On the other hand, hypothyroidism, a condition in which your body produces too little thyroid hormone, often leads to exhaustion and depression.
  • Medications- Sometimes, symptoms of depression or mania are a side effect of certain drugs, such as steroids or blood pressure medication. Be sure to tell your doctor or therapist what medications you take and when your symptoms began. A professional can help sort out whether a new medication, a change in dosage, or interactions with other drugs or substances might be affecting your mood.

Also Read: What People with Depression Wish You Knew

  • Women age – At the stage of premenopausal and premenopausal, it has been seen due to the change in hormones, which leads to mood swings and turns into depression in women.
  • Personality- Personality and temperament can contribute to depression. Certain personality types are more at risk of developing depression than others.
  • Basic Routine- There is a cure for any diseases so as for depression, a person dealing with it need a lot of mental support, medications, and meditation both to help regain self-esteem. One needs to start the day with either walk or some sort of physical activity. And last but not the least happiness is one of the first medicine in the world which cure all the disease. So be happy and stay fit!