Most asthmatics lead a normal active life with the right asthma management plan. The asthma management plan that your healthcare specialist has prescribed is just for you. Some patients with asthma must take medications daily, while others may only take asthma medication when needed.  

Types Of Asthma Medicines

There are two types of asthma drugs: long-term control medicine to prevent asthma episodes and quick-relief medicines from using during an asthma episode when you experience asthma symptoms.   

Long-term Control Medicine To Prevent Asthma

Some people with asthma will need to take medicines daily to prevent asthma attacks from occurring. These may be anti-inflammatory medicines including methylxanthine and long-acting beta-agonists. It is necessary to take all your asthma medications on time and exactly as your healthcare specialist prescribes, even if you are not experiencing the symptoms.

    1. Anti-inflammatory drugs  are especially discovered to prevent asthma attacks. They help to prevent and reduce swelling of the airways and the build-up of mucus in the lungs, thus making breathing easier. Some common anti-inflammatory drugs include cromolyn sodium, nedocromil sodium, leukotriene modifiers, and inhaled corticosteroids (Aerobid, beclovent, Azmacort, vanceril, Flovent, Pulmicort respules, and Pulmicort Turbuhaler. All these asthma drugs must be taken regularly, not just to stop an asthma attack. When taken regularly, they work well and prevent asthma episodes. Your healthcare specialist will advise you on how often you need to take the anti-inflammatory medicine.
      Note of caution: Anti-inflammatory drugs do not provide rapid relief from the symptoms. These long-acting agents can’t relieve symptoms once they have started.    
    1. Methylxanthine (theophylline)  is an asthma medicine generally prescribed to prevent asthma attacks. It widens the airways and opens them to make breathing easier. Some common brands for theophylline are Uncontin controlled-release tablets and Theo asthalin forte (a combination of salbutamol and theophylline).


    1. Long-acting beta 2 agonists  are a class of medications used to control asthma symptoms and prevent sudden episodes. This causes the relaxation of muscles surrounding your airways, allowing them to widen fully so you can breathe more freely. Some common medicines are Formoterol and salmeterol.
      Note of caution: Long-acting bronchodilators are not recommended to treat sudden asthma symptoms. They do not act fast enough to relieve asthma symptoms.

A combination of two medicines, such as beclomethasone and levosalbutamol (Aerocort inhaler), can also be used to relieve symptoms such as wheezing coughing and shortness of breath.  


  1. Quick-relief medicines

Quick relief medicines to use during an asthma episode are short-active beta 2 agonists. Your healthcare specialist will advise you when and how to use these medicines. They act fast and quickly relax the muscles in your airways, making breathing easier. The class of drugs includes inhaled medicines that begin to act within 5 to 15 minutes. This type of medicine is called albuterol, levalbuterol, metaproterenol, and terbutaline. You can buy albuterol online to prevent asthma symptoms. These medications are usually prescribed to treat a sudden asthma episode. Asthalin HFA inhaler is also used to relax muscles around the airways in your lungs, making breathing easier for you and forcing the mucus to leave your body.

Note of caution: If you need to take your short beta 2 agonists more than 2 to 3 times per week, talk to your healthcare provider, as this may indicate that your asthma is not under control. You should speak to your healthcare specialist about other options for long-term asthma control.

    1. Oral corticosteroids,
      Including Prednisone, are available as tablets and liquids that need to be swallowed and not inhaled. These may usually be prescribed to treat a severe asthma attack. People often mistake corticosteroids used to treat asthma with steroids that weight filters and other athletes use to gain muscles; this is untrue. The steroids recommended for the treatment of asthma are completely different from those used by athletes or bodybuilders. Your doctor will instruct you when and how you need to use corticosteroids.
    1. Anticholinergic drugs
      Such as tiotropium bromide are the alternative options when you can’t tolerate inhaled short-acting beta 2 agonists. These medicines expand the air passages and may cause a significant reduction in mucus secretion, allowing you to breathe.
    1. Over-the-counter products
      Note of caution: Over-the-counter (OTC) asthma medications do not carry the same active component as prescribed asthma medications. They cause many more adverse effects and may worsen your asthma symptoms. Inform your healthcare specialist if you use any OTC medicine for your breathing problems.    

Taking asthma medications

Remember which medicine to take daily to prevent asthma attacks and which to take to control sudden asthma symptoms. Your healthcare specialist will prescribe an asthma management plan for you. If you have any doubts about medicine use, be sure to ask your healthcare provider.

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