Today the face mask has become a part of the body. You need to wear it because of COVID-19 situation and strict laws set up by governments. Face masks are among the big topics of conversation during the present crisis. Understanding the coronavirus and how it spreads has evolved over the past few months, so has scientists’ guidance about how to protect yourself. The various research shows that face masks, if worn by wide population, can substantially reduce the spread of COVID-19. SO, face masks are essential tools in preventing the spread of COVID-19. But wearing a face mask raises issues for people with asthma. Make sure you take your asthma medications in every situation.

What is the importance of wearing a face?

Physical distancing or social distancing helps slow the spread of COVID-19, then why mask is important? According to various research, COVID-19 spreads from person to person through droplets from your nose or mouth when you are close to someone. And it may spread in other ways. So, the reasons behind wearing a face mask are to keep you from spreading COVID-19 to other people. This is especially crucial in places where people cannot maintain the distance required to shop, in a waiting area or on public transportation. Wearing a face mask reduces the severity of symptoms of COVID-19 if you do get it. Face masks may reduce the number of particles of the deadly virus you inhale, as proven by various studies. But people with asthma can face various issues by wearing face masks.

Should People with Asthma use face masks?

According to some associations, no evidence wearing a face mask can worsen your asthma. However, several incidents where people with mild or severe asthma may feel difficulty breathing while wearing asthma. But wearing a face mask has become an essential part of daily life, so if you have severe asthma, follow the following guidelines, and take your asthma medications on time to prevent yourself from other complications.

  • Stay home as much as possible.
  • Ask others to run the shop for you or use delivery services or curbside pickup if possible.
  • When in public, keep a distance from others (physical distancing, about 6 feet).
  • When you are in public, make sure you keep a distance from others
  • Avoid physical contact with sick people, even if they are your friends and wash your hands frequently.
  • Avoid travel that is not necessary
  • Clean and disinfect your home, especially items you touch often.
  • Changes in the weather can trigger your asthma, so weather changes cover yourself to protect yourself from cold.
  • Pollen also triggers asthma. So, avoid going outside when temperatures are lower
  • Exercise is important, but wearing a mask may make breathing harder. So avoid wearing a mask while exercising and go for a walk in places where you can maintain social distancing.

Why Face masks should be avoided by asthma patients?

  • Face masks made of fabric that makes it hard to breathe, such as vinyl
  • Have exhalation valves or vents which allow virus particles to escape
  • Two disposable masks at a time or combine a KN95 mask with any other mask

Look for the following things for comfortable face coverings-

  • Masks made of a moisture-wicking and breathable fabric, such as a bandana or neck gaiter
  • Choose a mask which covers your mouth, nose, and chin
  • Use a mask with a filter as it is easy to breathe in these types of masks

Wearing a face mask is an important strategy to prevent the spread of COVID-19. If you cannot wear a face mask due to asthma, follow physical distancing, wash your hands, and avoid going outside. This will protect you and other people from COVID-19 other complications. Also, take your asthma medications on time, keep your Ventorlin inhaler with you.

Also Read: How to Cure Asthma Naturally?

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