Menopause means the ceasing of menstruation, typically between the ages of 45 and 50. Perimenopause is the precursor of menopause means the time during which one’s body is transitioning to non-menstrual age marking the end of the reproductive cycle. During Perimenopause, the ovaries start producing less estrogen and this phase last till menopause, and the ovaries stop producing eggs in almost cases. The average length of Perimenopause is about four years, which can change from person to person. It can last anywhere from a few months to 10 years. The levels of estrogen and progesterone start to fluctuate during Perimenopause, and hormones level start decreasing during Perimenopause. This fluctuation of hormones leads to the development of different symptoms for different women. If there is no menstrual cycle for ten months, you have reached menopause. Women’s health supplements can help improve irregular periods associated with Perimenopause. You can buy women’s health medicines online at the lowest price.

Symptoms of Perimenopause:

  • irregular periods with changes in flow or frequency
  • vaginal dryness and infections
  • mood swings, including anxiety or depression
  • hot flashes
  • sleep disorders
  • low libido
  • loss of bone mass
  • urinary incontinence and urine leakage when coughing or sneezing
  • high cholesterol levels
  • headaches
  • weight gain

If you experience these symptoms, consult your physicians. Due to unhealthy lifestyles and other factors, the perimenopause phase arrives early in many people’s lives. According to doctors, it is possible to get pregnant even after initiating Perimenopause and low fertility. This requires a change in lifestyle and professional guidance with proper medicinal and other treatment procedures.


There are various treatment procedures available in the market. One needs to consult a doctor, who will diagnose the condition as per the symptoms and then guide you with correct procedures. A doctor may recommend some blood tests to check the hormone levels.

  • After a doctor consultation, start taking birth control pills for a short time, and it provides relief from hot flashes.
  • A vaginal ring, progesterone injection, and birth control skin patch help control hot flashes.
  • Dehydroepiandrosterone DHEA dietary supplement can be used under the guidance of a physician.
  • There are various reproductive treatment procedures to treat the perimenopause phase.
  • Acupuncture has also been found to have helped some women with painful cramps during the perimenopause phase.
  • You can also buy women’s multivitamins supplements online to help reduce symptoms associated with Perimenopause. But it is always best to consult a health care expert before buying health supplements.

Lifestyle changes for avoiding Perimenopause

  1. The first lifestyle change is to stop smoking if you smoke.
  2. Exercising regularly helps lift mood, reduce stress and inflammation, and weight loss and widen your thermoregulatory zone in your brain, making body temperature fluctuation more comfortable; this decreases the severity of hot flashes. Weight-bearing exercises help in improving bone health. These exercises are walking, running, calisthenics, dancing, and resistance training, including weights, bands, and isometrics.
  3. Alcohol triggers hot flashes show. Strictly avoid alcohol.
  4. Wear layered clothes to prevent exposure to heat.
  5. Hydration – Drinking necessary fluids and adequate amounts throughout the day help reduce urinary tract infections and improve overall health. Water, decaffeinated and noncarbonated beverages are the best fluids to quench your thirst.
  6. Monitor your menstrual cycle, and keep records of the cycle, like the beginning, how much you bleed or spot each month and the ending. Note about the cramps and pelvic pain also. This information helps your physician identify whether your symptoms are due to Perimenopause or whether you are suffering from other gynaecological conditions.
  7. Meditation and psychological therapy such as cognitive behavioural therapy help you relax, rejuvenate, reduce stress and improve your sleep cycle.
  8. Decrease the consumption of animal products that contain steroid hormones as they may trigger hot flashes in some women.
  9. Check your vitamin D levels twice a year and then change your diet according to the requirement. If vitamin D levels are low, some foods or supplements may replenish your body’s vitamin D.You can buy women’s health supplements online or over the counterto improve overall health.
  10. Maintaining a healthy blood pressure level helps decrease the risk of memory loss and other diseases such as heart disorders, eye or kidney disorders etc.
  11. Relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga help manage troublesome symptoms and improve sleep.
  12. Try to enjoy your day by involving yourself with fun-filled activities and practising yoga, deep breathing exercises, prayer, and other activities that can divert your thoughts to other symptoms. This helps in reducing stress.
  13. Follow a healthy eating plan by consulting your dietician; this plan is low in fat, moderate in omega-3 fatty acids, low in sodium and rich in healthful nutrient-dense fruits, vegetables and whole grains. One such diet plan is known as Pritikin Eating Plan.
  14. Keep in touch with your physician regularly; this helps monitor cardiovascular risk factors.

In summary, menopause or Perimenopause is not a disease but a normal transitioning phase. So don’t stress about it and enjoy your new phase. If there are symptoms of postmenopausal bleeding, consult your physicians as it is not normal and needs further diagnosis. Perimenopause is curable and can easily be controlled with the help of medications and following a healthy lifestyle.

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