There is no doubt that fertility is a rising issue in today’s world. Data suggest that around 6.1 million women ages 18 to 44 experience problem in conceiving a child. The reasons are many, and scientists don’t know all of them yet, research is still going on to known about the causes of infertility. But it is believed that many couples are affected by infertility. The good news is that in many cases, couples boost infertility naturally if they are provided with the right resources.  It is important that you check with a health care specialist to treat the fertility issues by addressing the underlying health issues. Many women also benefit by addressing their nutrition, getting required supplements and improving lifestyle changes.

Natural Fertility Treatment

A lot of women wanting to become pregnant who are unfortunately unable to do so. Thanks to natural fertility treatment options that may help to boost infertility. Let’s have a look at the best 8 natural treatment for infertility in women that can help both the partners.

  1. Eat a healthy diet-
    • One of the most important natural treatment for infertility in women, as with most conditions as to eat a proper diet. Choose to eat organic foods that are free of pesticides that affect estrogen or other hormone production in the body. Organic foods ensure that you are consuming natural ingredients that are free from conventional or synthetic pesticides.
    • Omega 3 fatty acids- omega 3 s can help reduce inflammation, which can promote fertilization. According to research studies, a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids helps regulate ovulation and improve egg quality. You can find omega 3 in oily fish like tuna, salmon, walnuts, flaxseeds, etc.
    • Foods rich in vitamin c and E- vitamin E plays a crucial role in the proper function of the endocrine system, whereas vitamin C stimulates the process of ovulation and increases sperm count in men.
    • Folate-rich foods- Folate or vitamin B helps in building new cells and prevent birth defects. Increasing folate intake may ensure a healthy pregnancy.
    • Include broccoli, Brussel sprouts, pumpkin seeds, and cabbage in your diet. These vegetables and seeds, helps the liver metabolize the estrogen.
  2. Learn stress management techniques- You will often find reducing stress as a solution to infertility at the bottom of infertility treatments, but it is yet an important natural treatment for infertility in women and men. In today’s busy life, most of us are living with high stress that is often underestimated but is continually impacting our overall health, including reproductive health. This is the reason why many health care specialists emphasize how it is important to decrease or eliminate stress from our lives for overall good health.
  3. Get enough sleep- In addition, to keeping stress levels low, getting adequate sleep is vital for improving fertility. According to research studies, not getting enough hours of sleep each night can directly impact your reproductive health. One should aim for at least 8 hours of sleep per night and do things that bring you joy.
  4. Get moving- engaging in some physical activities is must for hormonal balance in the body. Regular exercise improves mood, sleep, and increase your sexual appetite. Participating in weight training and burst training can effectively balance your hormones.
  5. Essential oils- Essential oils for hormones can be an excellent natural treatment for infertility in women. Oils like roman chamomile, ylang-ylang, and thyme are extremely beneficial for infertile women.
  6. Cut the caffeine- A study suggests that women who consume over 500 mg of caffeine a day take up to one year longer to conceive. Excessive caffeine consumption is also associated with an increased risk of miscarriages.
  7. Maintain a healthy body weight- Weight is the most influential factors when it comes to improving fertility. Underweight is also one of the causes of infertility.  So, to improve your chances of getting pregnant, consider losing weight if you are overweight or obese and gain enough weight if you are underweight.
  8. Increase your Iron intake- Iron supplements play a crucial role in decreasing the risk of ovulatory infertility. Boosting your iron intake may help to boost infertility in women. Prefer taking fertility promoting supplements under the supervision of a health care specialist. 

Final thought Struggling with infertility can be highly upsetting for especially women. With the increasing rates of infertility issues, we must look for natural solutions to boost infertility. It is best to get a good diet, regular exercise, and maintain low-stress levels, and make an effort to minimize our exposure to toxins and chemicals. Don’t underestimate the power of natural infertility treatments and try these to improve your fertility.

Also Read: Guide to Female Infertility