Exercising the brain is an integral part of everyday life for everyone. Just like physical exercise, it has a part to play in a positive, healthy lifestyle. In recent years, scientists have researched the role that mental exercise plays in reducing the risk of dementia and other associated benefits of a mental workout for people living with dementia.

Dementia symptoms include confusion and memory loss, sudden mood changes, difficulty concentrating, and struggling to follow conversations. One could lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by doing plenty of brain exercise. Dementia involves a group of symptoms that are often associated with a decline in brain function. Certain brain exercises could improve the brain’s processing speed, and the amount of time it takes to complete a task. 

Role of Mental Exercise in Reducing Dementia Risk

Keeping the brain active is thought to build reserves of healthy brain cells. Several researchers have suggested that engaging in more brain activities stimulates the brain function throughout life. Participating in more mentally stimulating activities is associated with improved cognitive function and a reduced risk of developing dementia symptoms.

Activities that exercises the brain contributes to the building of brain reserves that repairs the damage caused by Alzheimer’s disease. The onset of dementia may be delayed as this way it can compensate and keep functioning well.

Brain Exercises for Boosting Brain Function

Mental exercises are a vital part of life. Any type of brain activity could be beneficial, but they should involve interesting, engaging, and should be reasonably complex. Activities like reading, listening, learning a new language, visiting museums, playing musical instruments, board games, sudoku, crosswords, and board games. Also, participation in leisure activities such as dancing, cultural events, sports, hobbies, groups, and conversation.

Many of these activities involve physical activities and social interaction. People who are just diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or those with early stages of dementia may choose from a range of brain function that can relate to their interests and capabilities. Research studies suggest that the combination of mental, physical, and social components offers the greatest benefits when it comes to reducing dementia risk. These brain activities have not been proven to prevent dementia, it may help reducing or to delay the onset of dementia, and other general health benefits of these activities are well established.

Do Mental Exercises Benefit People With Dementia?

Research also took place to identify whether exercising the brain can improve the memory of people who have dementia and how these brain activities contribute to a better quality of life or people living with dementia. Because there is evidence of decreased function in people with dementia who continue to participate in mentally stimulating activities, therefore, such people should be encouraged by their caregivers to maintain their usual hobbies and activities. Keeping yourself mentally and socially active is essential for cognitive function and healthy brain.

Keeping yourself engaged and active in things that you enjoy is extremely beneficial for people living with dementia. Rather than giving up the activities, you can try breaking it down to manageable parts. Try choosing activities that you are capable of; otherwise, this may result in frustration and a sense of failure. Try something new, creative or something you enjoyed and contribute to mental stimulation. 

Learn Stress Management Technique

It is essential for everyone to reduce stress as much as possible. Excessive stress can add to reduced memory or sleeping issues. For people with dementia, preventing stress can help cope with dementia symptoms. Both physical and mental exercises are very good at dealing with stress. Engaging in challenging tasks may remove attention from some of the causes of stress.


Research is still going on to identify risk reduction and the role of brain activities in dementia treatment. More research is being done to understand the link between brain exercises and reduced dementia risk. In the meantime, regular mentally stimulating activities are recommended to keep the brain function well and reduce the cognitive decline. In addition, there are health and lifestyle factors that indicate a higher risk of developing dementia symptoms. Along with brain activities, regular physical exercise and improved diet help in the prevention of dementia.