Migraine is an episodic disabling headache that requires long-term management. Oral medications help provide symptomatic relief. When treated with yoga sessions under the supervision of a qualified instructor, migraine has been shown to improve the overall quality of life. Migraine management through yoga therapy would reduce the medication cost and provide positive health benefits. Yoga has been shown to improve the overall quality of life and reduce the episode of headaches and the use of medications. One can buy anti-migraine drugs online to reduce symptoms.

Management of Migraine

Migraine is a neurological condition with variable prevalence. It causes severe headaches, sometimes accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Most people use medication to treat their symptoms. However, other strategies such as yoga may effectively reduce the frequency and severity of migraine headaches. The article looks at the studies, evidence supporting yoga for migraine, which yoga poses are most beneficial, and other information related to migraine.

Medical treatment focuses on three areas:

  • Trigger avoidance
  • symptomatic control and
  • prophylactic pharmacological drugs

The treatment aim is to stop symptoms and prevent future attacks. Medications are available to combat migraine headaches. You can get the best treatment for migraine in the US. Find your pain-relieving and preventive medications used in migraine at the best price online in the US.

People with migraines often find that the recommended treatments are not 100% effective in preventing migraine headaches and sometimes may not be effective.  

The simple task of initiating a diet regimen to help modify the intake of trigger foods like cheese, chocolate, and ice cream could help alleviate symptoms.

Both pharmacological and nonpharmacological strategies have been recommended for the management of migraine. The guidelines for the management of migraine suggest nonpharmacological treatment for those who:

  • Poor tolerance/insufficient response to pharmacologic treatment/medical contraindications
  • Been diagnosed with high-stress levels

Behavioural therapy

Many health care experts believe that exercise for 15 to 20 minutes per day effectively reduces migraines’ frequency. Sleep is often a good solution if the symptoms are not severe.

Yoga as add-on therapy in the management of migraine

Yoga is an ancient lifestyle intervention that includes changes in behavior, physical exercises in the form of specific postures, breathing, and relaxation techniques. This practice in stress management is widely reported. Due to this, there is an increasing interest in using yoga as a nonpharmacological approach to managing migraine.

Can yoga help with migraine?

Yoga is a great exercise option for people with chronic headaches. It can help lessen the severity and frequency of migraine. Yoga is a practice that involves the mind and body involving poses, meditation, and breathing exercises. Many research studies have found that it can reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. Stress is a common migraine trigger. By loosening tight areas like the head, neck, and shoulders, which hold stress, yoga helps prevent migraine or improves an individual’s symptoms. As per research studies, yoga can be a complementary practice that helps treat migraine symptoms and disabilities associated with chronic headaches. However, people with migraine should avoid intense practice session that is vigorous or involve heat, such as Bikram yoga, as well as asanas that stress the neck. Many research studies agree that yoga can improve migraine symptoms, along with standard medical treatment.  

Which poses to practice?

The practices which help in the management of migraine are as follows:

Sukshma Vyayama– This includes exercises that loosen and relax the head, neck, and face. Try the following:

  • Move the first, middle, and ring finger from the jawline to the chin and massage your cheeks. Your mouth may remain open. Concentrate on kneading out knots.
  • Open and then close the jaw 8 to 10 times. Open your mouth and move the jaw side by side 8 to 10 times.
  • Rotate your neck, inhale, and move the head back. Exhale, touch the chin to the chest.
  • Rotate your head clockwise, then counterclockwise. Inhale as the head goes up and out as the head returns to the position where you have started.  

Pada Sanchalanasana, also known as cycling yoga

  1. Start practising by lying flat on the back with legs straight and together. Keep your arms on the slides with palms facing down. Your head, neck, and spine should be aligned.
  2. Raise your right leg and bend the knee; try bringing it closer to the chest. Make sure your thighs are touching the chest.
  3. Straighten your leg entirely while in the position, then lower the right leg forward. You must inhale while raising your leg.
  4. Bend your knee in this forward position to complete a cycling movement when the knee returns to the chest. One must exhale when drawing the knee towards the chest.  
  5. Make sure the heels of your right leg do not touch the floor while practising eth cycling action.
  6. Complete the cycling action 10-10 times in each forward and backward direction.
  7. Repeat the process for the left leg.

Other yoga poses such as hand stretch breathing, Shashankasna or rabbit pose, and Savasana with deep relation technique also help relax the muscles and receive pain and discomfort associated with migraine.


Currently, there is no cure for migraine, but several treatments are available to help ease the symptoms. One may have to try various therapies and medications to find one or a combination that works for them. If individuals cannot manage their migraine symptoms with over-the-counter medicines, they should talk to their doctor about prescription treatment. Buy anti-migraine tablets & medication online at affordable prices. Yoga with medical treatment showed significant improvement in clinical variables. In clinical trials, headache frequency and intensity were reduced more in yoga with conventional care. Yoga can be effectively incorporated as an adjunct therapy in migraine patients.

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