According to studies Asthma is a complex condition that arises due to a host of both environmental and genetic factors and self care is an essential part of asthma prevention.

With several different reasons responsible, it can be challenging to prevent asthma if not impossible. It involves taking preventive measures such as avoiding triggers and taking your medicines daily. And as it is a long-term condition, regular visits to the doctor is an integral part of the asthma treatment regimen. Here are some asthma prevention tips to help manage the symptoms of the condition better.

Asthma Prevention

Avoid Asthma Triggers

Asthma triggers refer to the conditions, materials or activities that can worsen the condition or cause a flare-up. These triggers are very common, and this makes it managing asthma a challenge. It may not be possible to avoid all the triggers, but with some careful planning, you can limit your exposure to some triggers and control your condition well.

Asthma triggers can aggravate the natural asthma symptoms – wheezing, coughing and breathlessness. While there is no cure for the condition, there are some asthma treatment options an individual can follow for asthma prevention.

Some asthma triggers are:

  • Flu or cold
  • Allergies
  • Air pollution
  • Cold air
  • Tobacco smoke
  • Perfume

Your asthma specialist can help you identify the allergens to which you have become sensitive and help in asthma prevention. Inhaling something that flares up the inflammation in the airways typically causes asthma attacks. These attacks together with the mucous shut down the airways. To stop such attacks stay away from people who have the flu or cold as the asthma symptoms may become worse through contact with them.

If you suffer from exercise-induced asthma, prevent the same by adhering to your doctor’s advice. Following are some natural asthma prevention tips:

Asthma Prevention

1. Clean the Air at Home

  • An air filtration system at home can help eliminate some common triggers such as dust mites, pollen, mold and many other allergens. It can clear the air of all pollutants and make it safe for asthma sufferers. You can use an air conditioner to keep humidity levels lower than 50%.
  • Dehumidifiers can also help reduce natural asthma symptoms for some people. It can help to decrease moisture levels and prevent mold formation at home. Also, remove home plants and keep the bathrooms dry and clean.
  • Make sure your bedding, mattresses and pillows are allergy-proof. Wash these every week in hot water to clean it of any dust mites and dirt.
  • Pet dander is a common trigger. Keep pets away from bedrooms and sofas to avoid it. The proteins that are present in the skin, hair, saliva, faeces and urine of an animal also can also trigger asthma. The best way to avoid flare-ups from such triggers is to avoid animals, if possible. If you cannot, at least minimise contact with them. Also, pets should frequently be bathed to keep them clean.
  • Stay away from exposure to harsh chemicals and cleaning products. These can trigger your asthma and make it worse.
  • Stay indoors during peak pollen times. You can use air conditioning to reduce pollen at home.

2. Control Stress

Learn to manage your stress levels. Anxiety and worry are often good triggers. Make time for de-stressing and relaxing in your daily routine.

3. Asthma Prevention Diet

Studies suggest that following a balanced diet is crucial for asthma prevention. Here are some diet suggestions:

  • Fish oil supplements are good for your lungs. It helps considerably in reducing airway constriction.
  • Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your asthma prevention diet. These comprise anti-inflammatory properties that decrease swelling in the lungs.
  • Eat foods that contain plenty of vitamin D.
  • Include spicy foods in your diet. It reduces inflammation and also helps to clean mucus that is caused by asthma and allergies.
  • Vitamin C supplements can ensure that the airways are working well and help reduce coughing and wheezing.

Also Read: Take a natural route for asthma treatment

4. Stop Smoking

One of the important asthma prevention tips is to stay away from tobacco smoke. If you are a smoker and suffer from asthma, it is important to stop smoking at once. It not only aggravates the condition but also reduces the effectiveness of the medication. If you are a non-smoker and have asthma, stay away from tobacco smoke.

5. Have an Asthma Action Plan

Most asthma experts recommend creating an asthma action plan for asthma treatment and asthma prevention. The plan will comprise some crucial information such as your everyday medication, triggers, and how to control the attacks.

Make a note of your asthma symptoms in an asthma diary for some weeks. In the event of an asthma attack, refer to the diary to find out the factors that may have caused it.

Also Read: Differences between COPD and Asthma


Asthma is a life-long condition, and a person has to take several steps to be able to live with Asthma symptoms. Following the above mentioned tips will help one to manage the condition better and lead a normal and active life.

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